1. Training of instructors of various service branches (special units of law enforcement authorities and special purpose anti-terrorism units) taking into consideration their specifics including elaboration of guidelines in the language of the business partner and training programs for basic firearms drills as well as tactical and firearms drills 'Pistol', 'Sub-machine Gun', 'Machine gun', 'Sniper rifle', 'Hand-held grenade launchers with trigger and key type firing mechanism'.
2. Training of instructors of various service branches taking into consideration their specifics, using all types of hand weapons including elaboration of guidelines in the language of the business partner and training programs for basic firearms drills, tactical and firearms drills and tactical and shooting drills. Training of instructors for tactical drills of squadron tactical units according to the C7I «SOSOM LPT» program.
3. Training of instructors of various service branches taking into consideration their specifics, using all types of hand weapons including elaboration of guidelines in the language of the business partner and training programs for basic firearms drills, tactical and firearms drills and tactical and shooting drills. Training of instructors for tactical drills of squadron tactical units according to the C7I «SOSOM LPT» program. Reforms of shooting and tactical drills.
4. Training of instructors of various service branches taking into consideration their specifics, using all types of hand weapons including elaboration of guidelines in the language of the business partner and training programs for basic firearms drills, tactical and firearms drills and tactical and shooting drills. Training of instructors for tactical drills of squadron tactical units according to the C7I «SOSOM LPT» program. Reforms of shooting and tactical drills. Development of gear and new firearms types.
5. Training of instructors of various service branches taking into consideration their specifics using all types of hand weapons including elaboration of guidelines in the language of the business partner and training programs for basic firearms drills, tactical and firearms drills and tactical and shooting drills. Training of instructors for tactical drills of squadron tactical units according to the C7I «SOSOM LPT» program. Reforms of shooting, tactical and shooting as well as tactical drills. Development of gear and new firearms types. Program C7I.
1. No business partners from any state and private uniformed services of the NATO member countries as well as would-be NATO member countries are permitted.
2. No proposals with corruption elements will be considered.
3. The Center reserves the right to refuse to negotiate without indicating the reason.